世界银行《PPP合同条款指南》(Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions 2017,下称“合同指南”),是世界银行对PPP合同的官方指引,2017年版指南对特定国家不同层级的PPP交易和不同法律制度下的PPP交易经验的表述方面进行了改进,并针对债券融资PPP合同和企业融资PPP合同增加专门章节。
1. Refinancing means changing or replacing the existing terms on which debt obligations have been incurred. Borrowers may refinance existing debt obligations for a number of reasons and in a variety of ways.
2. The result of a refinancing may be that the Private Partner's debt costs are reduced, resulting in greater revenue and in turn a higher equity return - this is typically called "refinancing gain". The PPP market has increasingly acknowledged that it would not be fair for the Private Partner to enjoy the entire benefit of refinancing gain where it is not entirely responsible for the availability of the improved financing terms.
3. Not all refinancing lead to gains that should be shared, however, and refinancing provisions also typically clarify the circumstances which are exempt.
4. Rescue Refinancing - In adverse circumstances a refinancing may be sought to rescue the PPP Project from default. The Private Partner may be in a distressed situation requiring an increase and/or a rescheduling of their debt repayment obligations. Generally, it will be in the Contracting Authority's and the Private Partner's interests for this form of refinancing to be implemented so that service provision under the PPP Contract can continue and default termination consequences avoided.
5. Mini perm refinancing - In markets where it is not possible (or desirable) to obtain long term financing, the Private Partner may put in place what is sometimes known as a "mini perm" financing. The loan will have a short tenor (e.g. five or seven years), and there is an incentive on the Private Partner and its Shareholders to refinance because the loan terms may provide that the Lenders will sweep all available cash (after reserve account funding) if no refinancing has occurred by the relevant maturity date (and the Lenders may require gradually increasing cost sweeps (e.g. 25%, 50%, 75%) in the years prior to maturity), or (in the case of a "hard" mini perm) that there will be an event of default.
小型永久性再融资—在不可能(或者不愿意)获得长期融资的市场,私营合作伙伴可以代之以有时称为“小型永久性”的融资。这种贷款期限较短(如5年或7年),这样的话私营合作伙伴及其股东就会有动力去再融资,因为贷款条款可能会规定如果在相关的到期日之前还没有获得再融资(并且贷款方还可能要求在到期前的几年内逐步提高成本比例,比如25%,50%, 75%等)或者(如果是在“硬”小型永久性再融资的情形下)将来发生违约事件,则贷款方将(在提留账户准备金之后)撤回所有可用的现金。
6.Bridge to bond financing - Where it is envisaged that initial bank debt financing will be replaced by bond finance, normally after completion of the construction or development phase, this is known as 'bridge to bond' financing.
7. Realizing Value Refinancing - In other circumstances, the effect of changed market conditions and PPP Project developments may be positive and the Private Partner may seek to obtain more favorable financing terms to realize more equity return for its Shareholders.
8. Establishing a definition which captures all types of potential refinancing can be difficult and the Contracting Authority should aim for a definition which minimizes the potential for circumvention through sophisticated structuring. The recommended approach is to be as generic as possible by reference to the senior finance documents, with a catch-all provision.
9. The Contracting Authority's right to consent is important as it is what will bring the Private Partner to the negotiating table. However, its right to consent should be exercised reasonably. The Contracting Authority should bear in mind that a refinancing resulting in gain is likely to benefit it financially and even a rescue refinancing will help save the PPP Project. Nevertheless, the Contracting Authority should only consent if it is confident that the refinancing will not have a negative impact on the PPP Project or on its own liabilities without providing it with sufficient commensurate benefit.
10. A full understanding and sight of existing and proposed financing structures and documentation is needed for the Contracting Authority to be in a position to calculate any refinancing gain and enforce its rights effectively. Expert legal and financial advice should be obtained (to match the advice the Private Partner is likely to be receiving) to ensure the Contracting Authority is not at any disadvantage in analyzing the effect of any refinancing proposal. External expenses incurred by the Contracting Authority when considering a refinancing proposal should be borne by the Private Partner and if the refinancing is implemented they should be deducted from the total refinancing gain amount prior to sharing.
11. Share of refinancing gain 再融资收益的分配
The Contracting Authority should consider what an appropriate sharing mechanisms. Equal sharing is one option, or staged sharing depending on the amount of the gain and/or how it arises.
12. The Contracting Authority should typically have the right to choose the method of payment of its share of the refinancing gain and this will depend on the nature of the refinancing and discussions at the time. Options include the Contracting Authority being paid (a) in a lump sum upon the refinancing to the extent the Private Partner receives such amounts at the time of the refinancing, (b) in a lump sum or periodically at the time of receipt of the relevant payments, or the receipt of the projected benefit (in the case of the "user pays" model), (c) via a reduced availability payment (in the case of the "government pays" model) or (d) by a combination of the above.
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——上海弘鲲商务咨询公司董事长 叶继涛